This template simplifies the addition of clickable email addresses to a page. It takes one or two parameters, as follows:
- The first parameter is the email address. It's the only required parameter. If no domain is given, the domain is assumed to be "cs.jhu.edu".
→ support@cs.jhu.edu
- If you give a domain, the entire address will be used as-is.
→ postmaster@jhu.edu
- The optional second parameter gives alternate text to display instead of the email address.
{{mailto|support|CS IT Support}}
→ CS IT Support
- For completeness of the examples (and for testing the template), if the first parameter is omitted, an error is displayed.
→ Mailto error: No address supplied{{mailto|}}
→ Mailto error: No address supplied{{mailto||Test}}
→ Mailto error: No address supplied