Using IMAP on the Grad/Research Network

Revision as of 20:15, 18 May 2009 by Wikiadm (talk | contribs)

To receive CS e-mail, you must set your mail client to use Secure IMAP.

Configure the following settings on your mail client:

Server Name:

Port: 993

Security Settings: SSL (Checking SSL will probably automatically set the correct port number of 993.)

Also, you'll want to set your inbox to be cleaned of mail you marked for deletion. Different email clients handle this function differently.

For example, under Thunderbird, select:

Clean up ("Expunge" Inbox on Exit.)

The above should allow you to receive mail from the server. You'll be prompted for your Grad/Research net password as needed.

You now create new mail folders as part of your IMAP environment. For example, under Thunderbird, use the Subscribe menu option.

IMPORTANT: Please keep your inbox small. Remove e-mail that you no longer need, and file needed e-mails into mail folders.