Working Remotely


There may be instances where you as a JHU faculty, student, or staff member need to work remotely, off-campus, and off the JHU Network.
We are used to the usual tools while we work in our offices, including your work computer, desk telephone, etc. You might also have papers in your office (hopefully, secured) that include passwords and other related credentials.
When forced to work remotely, you have to consider how you will access the above items, when needed. At home, you might have a computer that needs access to the JHU Network. Remotely, it could be your phone or a laptop that is the tool you need to use.
Being prepared in advance for working remotely is essential. You should consider listing all the tools you would need to work at home or abroad. You might need to make modifications of your home computer or laptop to reach JHU's Network. You might need a safe repository for your account credentials so that you can access them when off the JHU Network (some might store a spare set of passwords securely at home, for instance.)
This page is mostly geared to pointing you in a direction to allow you access to the JHU Network, as many JHU IT-based services require you to be on the JHU Network to access them.

WSE IT Remote Work Info Page

The Whiting School IT group has put together a page regarding working from home. We recommend you to take some time out and read through it for excellent info on a variety of technical situations you might be in when working remotely and how to effectively handle those situations.