Linux Clients on the CS Grad/Research Net
The following is a list of Fedora 17 Linux machines available for grad students, faculty, researchers, or staff on the Grad/Research Net. These Linux machines can be accessed remotely via ssh or scp.
(Note: all machines end with as in,
masters1 through masters16 - standard Fedora 17 Linux clients - Shaffer 4 Lab Area and Collaboration Area. Also available remotely via ssh or scp.
gradx - Fedora 17 Linux-based compute server. 8 core, 16gb RAM - only available remotely via ssh or scp (NOTE: As of 8/29/13, gradx is down for repairs. We hope to have it working again sometime during the first week of September.)
ssh key fingerprints for these machines can be found on the SSH Key Fingerprints for Grad and Ugrad Net Linux Computers page