Using Caffe On The Lab Computers

 Using a reference CaffeNet model from a student's Jupyter notebook code, we have found there are several things one needs to be aware of for the Caffe installation on our CS Lab computers:

 * You don't need to `import sys` and add things to `sys.path`.  You can
   just `import caffe`.

 * You need to be running on one of the lab machines (ugrad1 through
   ugrad24; masters1 through masters16) in order to use GPU mode.  Caffe
   will run on our compute systems (ugradx, gradx, gradz), but only in CPU
   mode; you won't be able to do the GPU section of the notebook on those
   three systems.

 * The systemwide installation *only* includes the Caffe binaries and
   python modules.  It does not include the utility scripts and reference
   models.  You will need to download those yourself.

What you'll need to do is grab your own copy of the Caffe distribution in order
to use their models:

    git clone

Then, as the notebook indicates, run python from the examples directory:

    cd caffe/examples

The notebook's second input block should be as follows:

    caffe_root = '../'  # this file should be run from {caffe_root}/examples (otherwise change this line)
    import caffe

Everything else should work as expected.