Enabling SSL (HTTPS) On Your JHU Website Not Hosted By CS IT
To enable SSL for your non-CS hosted website (but, hosted on a JHU network), that is, to enable HTTPS for your site:
Visit JHU's official website for requesting an SSL certificate.
General Summary of What You'll Be Doing
- Generate an SSL public and private key pair
- Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) from that key pair
- Request a certificate from JHU at https://myit.jh.edu/certrequest/:
- Paste the contents of the CSR into the form
- Select the type of web server you're using
- Enter a contact email address (we recommend using a team email address that will go to whomever is responsible for your website)
- Submit the form
- Wait
After a while (usually a few hours, but sometimes as much as a day), you'll receive a set of emails. One of the emails will have links to your certificate. For most cases, you'll need the certificate file and the intermediate certificate chain. The chain should be in reverse hierarchical order; if you gave a server type that uses X.509 certificates, it'll be the link in the email labeled "X509 Intermediate(s)/Root only".
Then you just need to save the certificate and chain in a place where the server can see them and reconfigure the server.
NOTE: Depending on the server, you might have to have the certificate and intermediate chain in separate files, or you might concatenate them (with the certificate first) into a single file.
Additional Notes
Multiple Website Names
If the website has multiple names, you need to create a CSR with one common name (CN) and one or more subject alternate names (SANs). How you do that will vary depending on the programs you're using. If you're using OpenSSL on Linux, this page seems reasonable:
Basically, you copy your openssl.cnf file, add this to the [req_ext]
subjectAltName = @alt_names
and then add an [alt_names] section with the extra names enumerated, e.g.:
[ alt_names ] DNS.1 = www.example.jhu.edu DNS.2 = example.jhu.edu
and so on.
The CN should be whatever is the "main" hostname for the site. Ideally, the other domains should issue redirects to send clients to the main site. That's good practice and can help with SEO.
Obtaining Multiple Certificates Without SANs
If your website is accessed by more than one hostname, we recommend you use a single certificate with SANs, as described above. But you can, if you want, get multiple certificates, one for each hostname you're using.
If you do this, you'll have to configure separate virtual hosts for each hostname and make sure the website configuration matches among all of them. (Also, if you change anything, you'll have to make sure you make the same change in all of them.) Then you just configure each virtual host to use the appropriate certificate.
Secure SSL Server Configurations
Mozilla has a very nice configuration generator for SSL servers:
You tell it what software you're using and what version you're running, and it will give a recommended set of configuration settings for using good encryption. As their website notes, the Intermediate configuration tends to work best for a general purpose website. The Modern configuration works best if only a small group of people will use the website and you know they'll all have new enough browsers/software to work with the configuration. The Old configuration trades a little security for compatibility with very old clients that most people don't need to worry about.
HTTP Strict Transport Security
If you want to use HTTP Strict Transport Security, make sure your SSL setup is working before you enable HSTS! Once you turn on HSTS, browsers will refuse to use HTTP for your website, even if HTTPS doesn't work.
Testing Your SSL Configuration
You can test your SSL configuration with either the online Qualys SSL Server Test:
Or by downloading and running testssl.sh
Both tools check for a variety of things, including secure use of encryption and resistance to know security vulnerabilities. If a tool flags something as a problem it's worth learning about why it's a problem and what you can do to fix it.
Final Recommendation
It's a good idea to enable HTTPS for any website you host. If you just use HTTPS by default (and redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS), you'll never accidentally have a page unencrypted when it should have been encrypted. Not every website needs HTTPS, but it's often less work to get and maintain SSL certificates for a site than it is to verify that every single page it serves is okay being unencrypted.