Running VirtualBox On A CS Grad Or Ugrad Linux Client


You might take a class that requests that you run VirtualBox on your own system. However, in the event your system cannot run VirtualBox, our CS Linux clients provide VirtualBox capability as well.


  • The easiest way to run VirtualBox on our Linux systems is to run virtualbox from a command line.
  • If you're ssh'ing into one of our systems (as opposed to running on the specific system you're sitting in front of in our computer labs), make sure you use X-forwarding or VNC. Otherwise your VirtualBox display will not show up on the system you're ssh'ing from.
  • When you first launch VirtualBox on our systems, if you receive a pop-up that there is a new version of VirtualBox available, please ignore it (close the window.) We have a specific upgrade process for our Fedora systems, and any new software versions available to our systems will happen during that process.
  • Remember, you are sharing our systems with other users, so please use the least amount of CPU & RAM as possible, to conserve resources.
  • Disk Space:
    • Another important resource to consider is disk space for your VirtualBox VM. Like CPU & RAM, please use the least amount of disk space as possible, since you share the same disks as students, faculty, instructors, and in some cases, researchers, postdocs, and staff.
    • Ugrad users have disk quotas, so, please make sure you can fit your VM into your allotted quota.
  • And finally, if you need to create a more resource-hungry VM for class and you are not required by your instructor to specifically use VirtualBox, please consider using the CS Department's general course-use VM Server instead.