Setting Up CGI Scripts on the CS Webservers
Running your CGI script
To run your cgi-script via a web browser, use the following format (replace "username" with your username and "" with your script name.)
(Note: Your cgi-script should reside in your public_html/cgi-bin directory.)
- On the CS Grad Net:
- On the CS Ugrad Net:
Creating Your First CGI Script
CS Faculty, Grad Students, Staff, Researchers and Post Docs: Log into one of the CS Grad Net Linux machines.
CS Ugrad Students: Log into one of the CS Ugrad Net Linux machines.
cd ~/public_html/cgi-bin
Create your CGI script in the cgi-bin directory.
chmod 704 # Replace the name "" with your script name.
Note: If you're not sure what your public_html/cgi-bin folder permissions need to be, please visit: File Permissions for Webpages