Developing For Android Using Eclipse

Revision as of 14:56, 2 February 2011 by Steve410 (talk | contribs)

On a [CS Linux machine (Grad or Ugrad Net)]

Open Eclipse and choose a directory to be your workspace.

Click Help->Install New Software

Click Add... and enter:

         Name: Android

Click Add... again and enter:

         Name: Eclipse

Make sure Android is selected in the "Work with:" drop down next to the Add... button

Select the checkbox next to "Developer Tools"

Click Next

Click Next again

Accept the agreement and then click Finish

If you get a security warning, click OK

After the install, Eclipse will ask you to restart. Choose "Yes"

Now click Window->Preferences

Select the Android

Uncheck "Send usage statistics to Google" and click OK

Click "Browse" next to SDK Location

Browse to "/usr/local/android" and select OK

Click "Apply" and then "OK"

Everything should now be set up for Android development