Connecting To The CS Ugrad Net Using DHCP

Revision as of 20:53, 9 September 2014 by (talk | contribs)

Since CS does not maintain wireless connections, if you will not be connecting to JHU's "hopkins" wireless system, then, you will need to use a CAT-5/6 cable for your network connection.

DHCP service on the CS Ugrad net is available from the table-mounted network ports within the Malone 122 Undergraduate computer lab.

Set your computer to use DHCP.

Plug your computer into a tabletop network jack. (Depending on your operating system, you may have to reboot your computer.)

You now have a Dynamically-assigned IP on the CS Grad/Research Net.

(NOTE: Sometime in the future, we will be using a different method for providing a dynamically-assigned IP, but for now, the procedure above works.)