BACKUPS - Requesting Restoration of a Deleted File

NOTE: We do restores during the regular work day. If the file to be restored had resided on the Grad/Research Net, you might be able to restore it yourself using our Self-Service File Recovery instructions.

If you delete a home directory file (in /users on the Grad/Research Net or /home on the Ugrad Net) that you realize you need back, send an email to with the following information:

  • On which network (Grad/Research or Ugrad) you deleted the file(s).
  • The computer on which you deleted the file(s).
  • Your CS username.
  • The exact path to the file(s) in question.
  • When you deleted the file(s). (Approx date/time, if possible.)
  • The last time (approx date and time please) that you recall the file was intact. We will search our backups for the files prior to that time (which may be similar to the answer above.)
  • An alternate specific date/time, if any, for which you want us to pull the files from.

We will respond back with any further questions or when your restore is complete. Sometimes, we may choose not to overwrite an existing file in your directory during a restore. In those cases, the restored file will have a .R suffix (yes, there is a dot before the "R") appended to its filename.