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;'''WHAT''': gradx.cs.jhu.edu is unavailable
;'''WHAT''': gradx.cs.jhu.edu was unavailable
;'''WHEN''': As of Thursday, June 4
;'''WHEN''': The morning of Thursday, June 4
;'''DETAILS''': gradx.cs.jhu.edu is experiencing some problems that prevent people from logging in to it.  We are investigating the issue.  In the meantime, please use one of our other [[Linux Clients on the CS Grad/Research Net]] instead of gradx.
;'''DETAILS''': gradx.cs.jhu.edu experienced some problems that prevented people from logging in to it.  The problems have been rectified and the system should be back to normal operation.
====<span style="color:#0000ff">PHISHING EMAIL AND OTHER ACCOUNT ISSUES!</span>====
====<span style="color:#0000ff">PHISHING EMAIL AND OTHER ACCOUNT ISSUES!</span>====

Revision as of 17:01, 4 June 2020


NOTE: Beginning March 18, 2020, and until further notice, the CS IT Support Staff will not be available in-person. We will continue being available M-F, 8:30 to 5pm, but online only. Therefore, please remember to email support@cs.jhu.edu for assistance. Also, please have Zoom available on your device(s), so that we can arrange to contact you using that method, as an alternative to in-person communication. We are also looking into providing a virtual version of Steve DeBlasio's daily office hours for accounts, etc.



gradx.cs.jhu.edu was unavailable
The morning of Thursday, June 4
gradx.cs.jhu.edu experienced some problems that prevented people from logging in to it. The problems have been rectified and the system should be back to normal operation.


5/5/20: We are currently receiving a large number of phishing emails directed at the CS Department. If you receive an email with links in it and have any doubts about the email, do not click the link. You do not need to send the emails to us at this time, as we are actively tracking the situation.
Because of these phishing attacks, if you've followed the phishing links and provided your account credentials to others, and then find you are unable to login to your CS account get your cS email, then, please see our password reset procedures. If your CS email account has been disabled, and you need you need to contact us, you will need an alternate non-CS email address to do so.



WHAT: Some CS IT Services will be unavailable for a few minutes at a time.
WHEN: Thurs, May 21, from 7am to 8am
DETAILS: We need to move several services from one of our primary CS Virtual Machine (VM) servers to another. As we transfer each service, that service will be unavailable for a few minutes. We will start the transfer on Thursday, May 21 at 7am and the entire process should take no more than an hour.
CS IT Services that will be unavailable during the services transfer include the following:
  • All of our CS Linux clients (ugrad1-ugrad24, masters1-masters16, gradx, gradz, ugradx, ugradz) will hang during a portion of the transfer.
  • Ugrad webpages, Ugrad email, and Ugrad password changes will be unavailable during their transfer.
  • MySQL service will be unavailable as its service is transferred.
  • Grad Net mail will remain available, however the spamassassin spam-tagging service we provide will be unavailable during its transfer. So, a small number of spam messages being passed through our mail system may pass through without being tagged as spam.
  • CS Web service will be unavailable during its transfer. This include the CS main website, along with the websites we host on behalf of labs and other CS-affiliated groups. The CS IT Support Wiki website, however, will continue operating during that time, as will this Notices page.
Again, each of the above service's downtime is expected to be short, just a few minutes.


WHAT: CS Department's MySQL server will be unavailable as it being upgraded.
WHEN: Tuesday, June 16th, starting at 8:30am and lasting approx. 2 hours.
DETAILS: We will be upgrading the CS Dept's MySQL server (not the dbase server for Dr. Yarowsky's class, but rather, the MySQL server for the entire department) from MySQL v5.1.73 to MariaDB v10.3.13. (MariaDB is a continuation of the MySQL server source code.)
We plan to put the new MySQL server into place as the active server on Tuesday, June 16th, starting at 8:30am. The upgrade process will last up to 2 hours. During that time, MySQL service will be unavailable.
IMPORTANT: Please refer to Steve R's 4/16 email regarding requesting users to test out a preliminary upgraded test server called mysql2.cs.jhu.edu prior to June 16. When you use the test server, you will be testing your databases, and some of you will be changing your MySQL passwords for that test server as well. On June 16, we will convert mysql2.cs.jhu.edu to mysql.cs.jhu.edu. And at that point, mysql.cs.jhu.edu will have the tested databases and any changed passwords from mysql2.cs.jhu.edu, and that mysql2 name will go way.


MH-122 (CS Undergrad Lab/Collaboration room): As of 3/13/20, closed until further notice.

All CS Linux systems in that room (ugrad1 through ugrad12) will continue to be available remotely, via ssh.

G-61 (CS Masters/Ugrad Labs): As of 3/17/20, closed until further notice.

For the UGrad side, although that section is closed, the Linux systems in that room (ugrad13 through ugrad24) will continue to be available remotely, via ssh.
For the Masters side, although that section is closed, the Linux systems in that room (masters1 through masters16) will continue to be available remotely, via ssh.


None at this time.