Zoom For Video Conferencing

(Redirected from Zoom)


Zoom is JHU's preferred web conferencing solution. Zoom replaces Adobe Connect at JHU.

NOTE: This page is about using Zoom on your own computer. However... Malone Hall also has Zoom Rooms (rooms configured to use Zoom) which include MH-107, MH-153, MH-222, MH-228, and MH-338. For issues using Zoom in those rooms (or for other A/V concerns), please visit our page on Audio-Visual_Support_Options

Below, you'll see links to various aspects of using Zoom at JHU, whether you are faculty, staff, or students

(If you're having issues with Zoom, you can jump directly to the section called: If_You_Are_Having_Problems_With_Zoom...)

Zoom Accounts

First, a word about Zoom accounts. A Zoom account is required to schedule/create a meeting. (You do not need a Zoom account to merely join a meeting you've been invited to.)
WSE Zoom accounts: allows you to create a meeting with no time limit and can accommodate up to 300 participants.
WSE Faculty and Staff: Visit https://wse.zoom.us/
(Login with the SSO option, and your username is in the login format of jhedID@jh.edu)
Students: Visit https://jhubluejays.zoom.us/

WSE and JHU Links About Using Zoom

You can use Zoom either via a web portal or via a Zoom client that you can download to your computer.
WSE Faculty/Staff: Please visit WSE's Zoom Info page at: https://wseit.engineering.jhu.edu/zoom-at-wse/
Students: Please visit: https://uis.jhu.edu/zoom/students/

Quick How-To For Zoom Client (Windows version) For CS Faculty/Staff

To make it easier to jump right into using Zoom, we have prepared the following How-To guide for CS Faculty/Staff. (Note, this is for CS/WSE Faculty/Staff accounts only. Students will need to visit https://uis.jhu.edu/zoom/students/ for Zoom use, as mentioned above.) Also, Linux and Mac users will need to download the Zoom client their own way, but using Zoom should be similar.
  • First, make sure you have a licensed Zoom account by visiting Visit https://wse.zoom.us/ and clicking SIGN IN
(NOTE: When this documentation was originally written, you had to have a Pro account made for you. It is possible that most accounts have already been made to use a Pro license, so the next few lines regarding a license might not be needed.)
    • Look for the User Type Licensed line.
      • If you have issues with your account, please send an email to wsehelp@jhu.edu explaining to them the issue.
      • Upon logging in for the first time, if it says you already have a Basic account, follow the instructions to convert your account a Pro account.
  • Sign out of that Zoom webpage by clicking SIGN OUT on the top right.
  • Install Zoom Client
  • Launch Zoom Client
  • At the Zoom "Sign In page", click on Sign In with SSO on the right side of the page.
    • This takes you to a "Sign In with SSO" window.
  • In the blank space, where it says Company Domain simply type wse
    • The rest of the domain, .zoom.us, is already filled out for you.
  • Click Continue
  • If you have already logged into my.jh.edu (or some other protected JHU webpage) on your computer, then you are now logged into Zoom, and you will be taken directly to the Zoom window. Otherwise, you will be prompted to log in at the Microsoft Azure JHU Login Screen (just like you would if you were logging into JHU secured web pages.) Once logged in, you will be taken to the Zoom Window.
  • Now you're in Zoom. You'll see the four options available. You will most likely be using the two top options: New Meeting or Join (for "Join a meeting.)
  • Ready to use Zoom!

Controlling On/Off For Video Or Audio In Zoom

When you're in a Zoom conference, please remember that you can control whether your audio or video is on or off by two buttons on the bottom left of your Zoom window. You can mute or stop your video at anytime and restart them at anytime.

If You Are Having Problems With Zoom...

For Zoom-related issues, due to different kinds of Zoom accounts being maintained by different groups:
Faculty/Staff: Please contact :
Center for Learning Design & Technology
Available Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm
(410) 514-3124 (Call for faster service.)
Submit a Helpdesk Ticket
Provide them as much info as you can about the issue you are experiencing.
Students: Please contact the JHU IT Helpdesk by visiting Contacting_JHU_IT_Support.


Zoom Events

Available now - handles online ticketing/registration. Features include:
  • Branded event hubs
  • Support for multi-session events
  • Support for multi-track and multi-day events
  • Chat lobbies for attendee networking, both inside and outside a session
  • Customizable ticketing and registration
  • The flexibility to host free or paid and public or private events
For more information, contact:
Center for Learning Design & Technology
Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm
(410) 514-3124

Zoom Webinar Backstage

(This feature is not here yet, but coming soon!)
Zoom Webinar Backstage provides another area that runs before, during, and after a session for webinar host, co-hosts, and panelists to be when not actively presenting in the webinar. Panelists can enter this backstage or “green room” before the webinar begins and even multiple times during a webinar.
Panelists in the backstage can also still view and hear the live session, allowing them to follow the presentation and know when it's their cue to rejoin. This can also be useful for webinar moderators or production assistants, who would prefer to remain off screen, but still need panelists’ access to chat, polling, and Q&A features.
For more information, contact:
Center for Learning Design & Technology
Monday through Friday, 8am to 8pm
(410) 514-3124