Available Printers

Revision as of 19:08, 29 November 2016 by Steve410.cs.jhu.edu (talk | contribs)

We have various printers available for general use throughout the CS Dept.

Because of the great diversity in functionality amongst printers and people's personal systems, we can only offer support/assistance in configuring printing for only those computer systems and printers that CS IT Support maintain.

Category:Printers Notes about printing.

Also, please see the Printer Problems section at the bottom of this page.

NOTE: In the chart below, QUEUE NAME is the print queue name of the printer on our Ugrad and Masters'/Grad Lab Linux computers.

Malone 122 (CS Undergraduate Lab) HP LaserJet 4350 mh122prt.cs.jhu.edu mh122prt All CS Students and faculty/staff/researchers/postdocs (and access from all Grad and Ugrad Linux computers) Duplexing printer.
Malone 154 (CS Office Mailroom) Canon ImageRunner Advance C7270 color copier copier.cs.jhu.edu copier All CS Students and faculty/staff/researchers/postdocs (and access from all Grad and Ugrad Linux computers) Color, Duplexing printer. NOTE: Please default your print configuration to Black and White or Grayscale. Only choose Color if you need to print out specifically in color.

DRIVERS: Drivers for several computing platforms can be found here: http://www.usa.canon.com/cusa/office/products/hardware/multifunction_printers_copiers/imageRUNNER_ADVANCE_Series_Models/imagerunner_advance_c7270#DriversAndSoftware

There are several drivers available for this copier. Windows users can choose PCL 5/6, PS, or UFRII. Choose the one that best fits your needs. However, we've noticed that, at least for Windows, the UFRII driver works best.

Malone 257A (North-end section of MH 2nd floor) HP LaserJet p4515x mh2ndprt1.cs.jhu.edu N/A All CS Non-UGrad People Duplexing printer
Malone 340 (Kitchen Area) HP LaserJet P2055dn mh3rdprt1.cs.jhu.edu N/A All CS Non-UGrad People Duplexing printer ; not for high-volume printing. This printer was previously located in MH 322, but is now located in MH 340.
Malone G61 (Masters'/Ugrad Lab) HP LaserJet 4350 mhg61prt.cs.jhu.edu mhg61prt All CS Grad and UGrad Students and faculty/staff/researchers/postdocs Duplexing printer

Printer Problems

  • If the printer is low on toner or experiencing print-quality issues, please contact support@cs.jhu.edu
  • If you run out of paper at the printer, please visit Malone Hall 160 (the CS main office), and request more.
  • If a CS-managed printer jams, and you are able to remove the jammed sheet, but the printer seems to hang on printing:
    • Turn off the printer
    • Unplug the power from the printer
    • Wait at least 30 seconds.
    • Plug the printer back in.
    • Turn printer back on.

That usually clears out a printer's internal print queue.

  • If a CS-managed printer jams, and you are unable to remove/find the paper jamming in the printer, please contact support@cs.jhu.edu