


WHEN: Friday, June 15, from 1am to approx 2am
WHAT: Malone Hall Network Outage
DESCRIPTION: JHU Networking will be upgrading several Malone Hall network switches. This will happen in the early morning hours of Friday, June 15 from 1am to approx 2am. During that time, if you're using a hardwired network connection in Malone Hall, you might end up losing connection for a few minutes. Also, we're not yet sure how this will affect the network connections to our servers. So, you might lose CS server access for a few minutes as well.
Stop back here for any updates.


None at this time.


None at this time.


MH 122 (Ugrad Lab/Collaboration Room) Will Be Closed For The Summer

WHEN: Fri., May 25 through Thu., Aug 9

DETAILS: Maintenance work and a CSLP Summer Workshop will be happening in this room during this time. In addition to the main MH-122 room, its three breakout rooms and the MH-122 printer will all be unavailable as well.

MH-122 will reopen on Friday, Aug 10.


• The G-61 Masters/Ugrad Lab will remain open and available during the summer. The G-61 printer will remain available as well.
• The MH-122 Linux systems, ugrad1 through ugrad12, will continue to be available, but only remotely via ssh. (There will be some downtime for those systems on 5/25 and 8/9 as the systems are transferred from, and then, back to MH-122.) Please see: for a list of our remotely-available Ugrad Linux systems.

Projector in the main MH 122 Ugrad lab is down.

11/2/17 - Kit-cats (JHU's A/V group) has been called. They have been out and are evaluating their options for repair. ETA for repair is unknown at this time.

MH G-61 (Masters/Ugrad Lab)

WHEN: July 1, 2018 through August 24, 2018.
WHAT: Lab availability changes for Summer, 2018.
DETAILS: From July 1, 2018 through August 24, 2018, the Masters Lab side of this room (G-61) will be closed to CS students, as its desks are being assigned to specific visiting students. However, the Ugrad Lab (inner room) section of G-61 will be available to both Ugrad and Masters students during that time. So, you can come through this room's main entrance and head directly to the CS Ugrad lab side. The Ugrad Lab has the Ugrad Net's Linux clients (ugrad13 through ugrad 24.)
CS Masters students needing access to the Grad Net Linux systems can log into the Ugrad desktops first, and then ssh into the desired Grad Net Linux systems.
During this period of time, the G-61 printer has been temporarily relocated from the Masters side to the back of the Ugrad side.
(Please do not touch the computers stacked at the back wall of G-61's Ugrad Lab. Please leave them powered on.)