Contacting JHU IT Support

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While CS IT Support offers support for the the Computer Science Dept's IT-specific services, JHU IT offers their own IT support for services JHU IT provides to the University including:

  • Issues with your JHED ID account, including your JHED password.
  • JHU's email (Microsoft Echange)
  • JHU OneDrive
  • Certain Microsoft software products
  • ...and various other Enterprise services

JHU IT's main help website can be found at:

Open A Trouble Ticket With JHU IT

To open a trouble ticket to obtain support of IT-related services directly offered by JHU IT, you can reach them...
  • by calling them by phone at 410-516-HELP
    • It's the fastest way to reach JHU IT Support.
    • You will be provided a ticket number for your issue.
  • by emailing JHU IT at
    • We are not entirely sure who at JHU/JHU IT will see email sent here, but JHU IT provided this email as an alternative way to reach JHU IT if needed. We suggest, however, to try one of the other above options first.

Reporting spam received at your or email address to JHU IT

If you receive spam (including phishing, etc.) email at your or email address directly (and it did not originate from an email address or if you don't forward your CS email to your @jhu email), you can visit JHU's How-to page for reporting spam. As part of the process, you'll want to forward that email (including any mail headers, if possible, by forwarding it as an attachment), to (and perhaps include the word SPAM somewhere in the Subject line), so that JHU can examine it and take proper action. If you're not sure if the email is legitimate, mention that in your correspondence with JHU IT as well. If you haven't heard back from JHU in a reasonable amount of time, please open a trouble ticket with JHU IT.
NOTE: Spam mail received at your non-CS email address and that did not originate from an address does not need to be reported to CS IT's email address (