A/V (Audio-Visual) In The Malone Seminar & Conference Rooms

The various seminar rooms in Malone Hall are shared by CS and HEMI and have a variety of A/V capabilities, including Polycom and SKYPE-based video conferencing. There are binders with contact info (use & troubleshooting), and some helpful docs in the video conference seminar rooms. See below for the video conferencing room numbers and details on our Polycom and SKYPE videoconferencing capabilities..

If You Experience Hardware Problems or Use Issues With The A/V Equipment...

(Please see the end of this article for a "Who to call for what A/V issue?" matrix.)

The hardware portion of the A/V services in these rooms are supported by JHU's A/V service, known as KIT-CATS. If you're having issues with the A/V hardware (not working or cannot figure out how to use) in a Malone seminar room please contact:


(Krieger Information Technology - Classroom Audiovisual Technology Support)

Polycom Video Conferencing In a Malone Hall Seminar Room

Video conferencing in the Malone seminar rooms can be accomplished with Polycom-based video conferencing. There is Polycom-related hardware available for use in the following rooms:

MH 107

MH 137

MH 328

(MH 322 also has Polycom capability, but the room is currently a CS computer lab.)

Scheduling A Polycom Video Conference For Malone Hall

Scheduling of a multi-user Polycom video conference is coordinated by JHU's Video Network Operations Center (VNOC).

When Do You Need To Schedule A Polycom Video Conference For Malone Hall?

Scheduling a conference is required when you want more than two participants in the conference (i.e., multi-user.)

If it's only a point-to-point call (one video system connecting to another video system), you do not need to schedule a conference. However, if you want more than two endpoints to connect to a conference, the conference needs to be on "the bridge" maintained by JHU's Video Network Operations Center (VNOC), and therefore, requires scheduling.

How To Schedule A Polycom Video Conference In Malone Hall

(First, you'll need to schedule to use the actual Seminar/Conference Room containing the Polycom equipment. Please contact Debbie in MH 160 for more info on scheduling the use of a room.)

To schedule a video conference, please read and follow the instructions provided in this Scheduling a Malone Hall Video Conference document. This information can also be found at: http://www.it.johnshopkins.edu/services/collaboration_tools/video/conferencingprocedures.html

Having issues/questions/problems with the Polycom video conferencing service?

If you have any issues or questions or problems with the Polycom video conferencing service, please contact:

JHU's Video Network Operations Center (VNOC)

  • Availability: M-F, 8:30-5:00 pm
  • Phone: 667-208-6100
  • Email: VTC@jhu.edu

Testing a Polycom Unit with a "Test Room"

Visit Testing the Polycom System for info on a "test room" to connect to with the Polycom.

SKYPE Video Conferencing In A Malone Hall Seminar Room

Video conferencing in the Malone seminar rooms can also be accomplished with SKYPE-based video conferencing. The Polycom-related hardware located in the following rooms are also configured to be used with SKYPE:

MH 107

MH 137

MH 328

(MH 322 also has SKYPE capability, but the room is currently a CS computer lab.)

In addition to the Polycom hardware, these rooms include a dedicated Windows 7-based PC connected to the Polycom cameras and room microphones to take advantage of the existing video hardware.

You might not see the PC (as it resides in the cabinet), but you should find the keyboard/trackpad on the cabinet or a table in each of these rooms.

How To Bring Up SKYPE On The Video Displays

  • From the Crestron panels in the room, choose Cabinet PC.
  • You should see the PC's Welcome login Window appear. (If the system is already logged in from prior use, please log it out before continue.)
  • Log into Windows using your JHED ID and JHED password.
  • Once logged in, run SKYPE. You will need to log into Skype with your own Skype credentials, not your JHED credentials.

At this point, you can make/receive your SKYPE-based video conference call.

Remember to log out of SKYPE and your Windows session before leaving the room.

Adding Slides to your SKYPE Conference Call

If you have Power Point slides to present within your conference call, you must transfer them to the PC via USB thumb drive (PC is in the cabinet) or some online method.

Once the file is on the PC...

  • Start SKYPE
  • Bring up your Power Point document.
  • Near the bottom of your SKYPE video window, you should see a large + (plus) sign enclosed in a circle. Click Share screens... A "share screen" window appears/

By default, SKYPE will share the screen (desktop). But, the Share your screen" pull-down menu gives you the option of just sharing a window. For most purposes, sharing the screen should be fine.

  • From the "share screen" window, click Start, and your screen (and therefore, your Power Point (or whatever app's) display should appear in SKYPE at both ends.

You should see your own video window in the corner of the display.

You should also see the option to "Stop sharing" in your inset video window.

Who To Call For What A/V Issue?

If your issue is with... Call...
Projector trouble, Wall Plates, or Connections KIT-CATS
Questions about using projector or other A/V hardware KIT-CATS
Crestron (touch panel) problems KIT-CATS
Polycom Hardware KIT-CATS
To Schedule a Video Conference JHU-VCUC
Video Conference issues JHU-VCUC
For Certification of Video Site JHU-VCUC