

The CS Labs are now available for in-person access.


Malone Hall (MH) houses three CS computing labs (whose computer systems are maintained by the CS IT Support Group.)

MH 122 - CS Undergrad Computing Lab/Collaboration Room with three breakout rooms. The main room and the breakout rooms each have projectors that can be used for presentations. NOTE: This room is closed from 6/7/22 through 8/10/22. Please see our Notices page for more info.
MH G-61 - CS Undergrad Computing Lab (Quiet working area with individual workstation desks. Inner room of MH G-61.)
MH G-61 - Masters/Grad Computing Lab (Collaboration tables and single desks. Directly as you enter MH G-61.)

All these labs are outfitted with Linux systems.

MH 122 and MH G-61 both have printers available.

Lab Access

Typically, Ugrad and Masters students, when requesting CS accounts, are also granted lab access at that time. However, due to the pandemic and the labs having been closed for a period of time, some Ugrad and Masters students might not yet have been granted access.

If you do not currently have lab access, but require it (and that also includes for CS PhD students and Faculty), please email

New Lab Rules starting June, 2022 and until further notice

Per the University's guidance regarding COVID-19 and for safety, the following new lab rules are in place until further notice:

  • Masks are once again required for all those using our labs.
  • Eating is no longer allowed in our labs (at least, until further notice.)

Please follow the above rules. Those not following these rules may be banned from access to these labs.

JHU recommends social distancing practices for unvaccinated individuals.

Please visit JHU's website for information on Covid-19 health, safety, and vaccination information.